Polynerve is a new device which will revolutionise the field of nerve repair

Digital nerve injuries often affect young people of working age, impacting their daily life, causing ongoing cost and resulting in permanent disability despite surgical intervention. In cases where the nerve gap is larger than 5mm an end to end suture repair is not possible and surgeons are forced to use an autologous nerve graft.

Autologous nerve grafting is problematic due to the need for a second surgical site where the donor nerve is harvested. Donor site morbidity, loss of sensation and pain from neuroma formation can occur at the donor site, often in addition to poor clinical outcomes at the repair site.

Polynerve has completed phase I clinical trials which had the primary objective of assessing safety of the device. Polynerve aims to replace the need for an autologous nerve graft, removing the risk of complications from the second surgical site with equivalent nerve repair outcomes.

Polynerve’s competitive advantage lies within the specifically designed surface topography that guides the regenerating nerve across the gap whilst the conduit provides physical protection and support.

Additional device geometries can be crafted in addition to tube shapes to make a range of products to suit the specific surgical need.


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